..Lets have Thai food at SUNITA TOMYAM..

     Esok Selangor cuti. yeaaayyyy!!!!~ tapi hari ni aku amik advance cuti. niat di hati nak kemas rumah. tapi incik hubby ajak pergi shopping pulak. ishk.. macam tau2 je gaji dah masuk kan... hmmm... so as usual, Ramadhan tak meriah kalau tak shopping kat Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman (TAR) gitu... ramai tak orang? hmmm... tengok jalan raya la!!~

sesak gile kottt

     sorry ye tak sempat nak capture keadaan di tapak jualan jalan TAR tu sendiri.. kejar masa actually. by 4pm nak kena keluar dari KL. kalau tak, redha la stuck insanely in the traffic.. but still i managed to buy these few things for siblings and aunties..

 for them

for myself

     for the iftar that night, we had plan to have it at Sunita Tomyam. not just us, but also the rest of the UPB team of Majlis Perbandaran Sepang. Restoran ni ada kat Salak Tinggi.. try la google kat foursquare. mesti jumpe la.. so lets enjoy the pictures of the foods okay?? =)

 daging masak merah

 burung goreng

telur dadar + sambal belacan + buah tembikai

siakap 3 rasa

tomyam campur

lala + pahat goreng cili

     makanan memang sangat banyak. kerusi je tak cukup. so take turns la ye kawan-kawan... enjoy the happy faces folks!!~
 makanan penuh di meja. weeehuuuu~

 what a nice smile CC~

 adam & pretty mama

 its time to break the fast

 lovely mama & little princess

     and the most happiest people on earth dah tentu la kanak-kanak ribena ni.. the rides are all rosak but as long as they can ride, mommy can eat happily!!~ 

 kakak & abang yang sibuk nak main

budak kecik yang tak nak kena suap. nak makan sendiri okay~

mommies & daddies pon happy dapat makan dengan senang hati. hehehe....

     moral of the stories, lepas kenyang makan jangan lupa solat terawikh ye... dah tinggal 10 malam terakhir ni.. rugi kalau tak rebut okay!!!~ chow da tito...


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