USTAZ DON.... in the office!!!~
Sempena bulan wakaf negeri Selangor, Majlis Perbandaran Sepang telah menjemput USTAZ DON DANIYAL DON BIYAJID untuk menyampaikan tazkirah berkenaan Ramadhan dan juga Wakaf. Well actually i did recorded the tazkirah. yet still working on uploading the video in youtube. so Insya Allah, if the uploaded process went well, i will update this entri and share the tazkirah with all of you kay.. hugs!!~
Here are some pictures taken by my boss, HAIRUL HAFIS. and i will surely write down the important messages by USTAZ DON to all of us.. =)
goodies from amislamic bank
stage preparation while waiting for the speaker
the moment of his open speech
Tazkirah dimulakan dengan persoalan berkenaan otak dan pemikiran? apakah yang manusia gunakan untuk berfikir? the answer is very simple right? definitely by BRAIN.. but menurut USTAZ DON, there's no proof yet that brain can do such thing of thinking.. OTAK cuma memproses dan menghantar mesej kepada anggota badan untuk melakukan apa yang difikirkan. but WHAT/WHO do the thinking? its actually the SOUL or ROH.. errrr... surely penerangan USTAZ DON lebih menarik la kan.. how wish i could upload the video.. soon insya Allah okay?? =)
Isi ceramah yang kedua berkaitan wakaf. and i guess i had tell the story in my previous entri right? wanna know more? please do click here okay...
Isi tazkirah yang ketiga pulak berkaitan dengan haid dan puasa.. so sinonim with gegirl kan... there's one new thing i learned about how to count days of your period time.. USTAZ DON cakap, we should use islamic calender coz it is more accurate actually..
okay, let me elaborate. lets say your period starts on 3rd of Sya'aban.. assuming your period circle is 30 days. so your next period will be on 3rd of Ramadhan. Lets say if you're not yet had your period at that time, you still have to count that particular day as your period day. which means you have to start kira ganti puasa from that 3rd Ramadhan. if you had your period from 5th - 10th Ramadhan, so total days yang kena ganti is 7 days.
it was quite confusing.. especially for people like me who are using IUCD.. sometimes our period delay for 7 hari tau! OMG... +_+ still i wish i could upload the video. but soon insya Allah, okay... but still enjoy more pics of USTAZ DON ye..
ni kes terlebih kusyuk ni. hehehe....
apa pon, terima kasih USTAZ DON kerana sudi datang dan mentazkirahkan kami semua.. =)))
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