Hello everyone!!!~ it has been a looooonnnngggg time since i've been to this place.. so since we've got nothing to do at this very weekend, so kitorang decided to ronda-ronda Kuala Lumpur.. at first ingat nak pergi KL bird's park tapi..... we were a bit late! so we missed the bird's show and so many shows before. so plan cancelled!~
Jalan punya jalan... then both hubby and i decided to bring the kids to Planetarium.. i guess the last time i was here when i was 12. it was what.... almost 20 years back!!!!~ gile la... dah lama gile rupanya tak datang tempat ni.. it was about 4.00pm at that time. the last time to check in is 4.30pm. phhheeeewwww!!~ nasib baik.....
pandangan dari arah depan. (courtesy from - tq!!)
se? be? omg... can't remember a thing!!~
i just answered this one.. byk salah. hahahaha....
then there is one room called anti-gravity-room. ingatkan boleh la terapung ke ape ke.. hehehehe.... bilik senget2 rupanya. tapi buat rasa pening jugak la masuk bilik ni.. why?? seriously i have no idea why! but my boy seems enjoying it very much. banyak kali pulak dia keluar masuk bilik ni..
anti gravity room
yayah with sara
abang is dizzy already but kakak is still steady. cayalah kakak!!~
Since there were no other people than us at that floor, so we are able to explore the whole emporium with kakak and abang lari-lari sana sini.. they did enjoy themselves so much in here! enjoy the pics okay... =)
excited tengok robot bergerak sendiri
ape tu mommy??
yobot...? (slang kakak caca)
iye.. robot~
ape tuuu??
dia pusing-pusing lah mommy..
yayah and sara only.. another two dah lari2..
finally, berjaya tangkap semua. hahaha
can u see my heartbeats count there?
ada apa dalam ni?
this is how the astronauts sleep
the observation rack
we are actually the cousins of superman tau! =P
malaysian astronauts
ape ni?? mommy pon tak tau. huhu~
i am in the space mommy!!~
he refuses to touch coz he scared of that spaceship will terbang! hahaha
yayah in his action to convince the kids that it is just a fake spaceship..
i just loooovvvee her smile!
sara da boring tak dapat lari-lari macam abang & kakak
the centre
dulu rasanya boleh naik kot benda ni kan??
run and run and run but be carefull abg raziq...
ingatkan that's it la since kitorang just missed the theater show at 4.00pm tadi. tapi rupanya there's another level yang boleh diexplore.. jom!!!~
finally sampai jugak...
patut la lama sangat dalam lift. tinggi rupanya..
pemandangan dari atas
look!! it's KL tower!
ooopppsss.... masa mencemburui kami.. it's 5.00pm already.. so kena balik la... planetarium dah nak tutup. anyway moral of the story, sekali-sekala elok jugak bawak kanak-kanak riang explore benda-benda baru selain shopping mall kan? jom!!!!!~
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